How to Transition Through Change: Navigate 3 Stages


When Faced With Change, Focus On the Transition

We’ve all heard the famous quote: “Change is the only constant in life.” And we know that to be resilient, both personally and professionally, we have to face change head on and get to the other side.

Effective leaders understand that success requires more than just coping with change — and that the goal is not to “get by.” These leaders accept that change is happening; they hone strategies for dealing with the unknown; and they shift their behavior to accommodate new situations and challenges.

What’s the Difference Between Change & Transition?

To manage change, first understand that there is a difference between change and transition.

  • Change is defined as the situations and occurrences that impact organizations and individuals. Change creates the need to move from the way things used to be to the way they are now, such as a new boss, a move to another location, or a shift in policy. Learn our 5 Tips for Adapting to Change.

  • Transition is the internal psychological process of adapting to a new situation. Transition can happen quickly or slowly. It is the process of moving successfully from the old to the new. Here are our tips for navigating the 3 stages of transition.

Tips for Navigating the 3 Stages of Transition

Transition involves 3 stages: an ending, a neutral zone, and a new beginning, according to William Bridges, a leader in the field of change management.

Stage 1 of Transition: Accept the Ending

Let go of the past; honor and grieve the ending, but accept it. To fully experience change as an ending, try these 3 strategies:

  • Admit to yourself and others that the change has occurred. Leading change by example requires honesty and authenticity.

  • Actively seek information from all relevant sources. Learn more about the nature of the change without first judging it.

  • Take note of what has been lost and what has been gained. Take the view that different is not right or wrong. It is just different.

Stage 2 of Transition: Live in the Neutral Zone

This may be the most uncomfortable transition stage. This is the time of confusion, of living with a clear ending but having no clear beginning. It is also the time for clarity to develop and point you to a new beginning. Try these 4 strategies as you navigate the neutral zone:

  • Realize that uncertainty is an integral stage between an ending and a new beginning. Don’t expect to know everything or to be perfect.

  • Set short-term goals to move through uncertainty. As you advance toward a new beginning, take stock of what you need to accomplish those goals and identify opportunities that will help you move forward.

  • Look backward to the ending and acknowledge what you had. Look forward to the beginning and the possibilities it could create.

  • Connect to your values. When you feel uncertain and confused, your personal values will provide direction.

Stage 3 of Transition: Reach Your New Beginning

Utilize the clarity that developed in the neutral zone and accept the challenge of working in a changed environment. Think of this phase as a fresh start. Try these 3 strategies as you settle into your new beginning:

  • Jump right in to meet new people. As you learn the ropes, give all relevant parties a place in the new beginning.

  • Create strategies for tackling new problems. When you meet new challenges, re-emphasize the reason for the change and recognize that reason as why you are beginning anew.

  • Find ways to mark your success. Acknowledge small wins.

People experience organizational change in many different ways, and the process of transition will vary. As a leader, you must deal with your own personal uncertainty and resistance to change. Recognize that your process of going through endings, neutral zones, and new beginnings will affect your work and the people around you. You can learn to become a more successful change leader.

With greater awareness of the human side of transition, you and your organization will be be able to move through change with grace.

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Proper Breathing Brings Better Health

Stress reduction, insomnia prevention, emotion control, improved attention—certain breathing techniques can make life better. But where do you start?

In Brief

  • A growing number of studies show that breathing techniques are effective against anxiety and insomnia.

  • These techniques influence both physiological factors (by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system) and psychological factors (by diverting attention from thoughts).

  • Because these techniques are safe and easy to use, scientific validation might result in their being more frequently recommended and practiced.

As newborns, we enter the world by inhaling. In leaving, we exhale. (In fact, in many languages the word “exhale” is synonymous with “dying.”) Breathing is so central to life that it is no wonder humankind long ago noted its value not only to survival but to the functioning of the body and mind and began controlling it to improve well-being…..

READ MORE OF THIS AMAZING ARTICLE HERE (and subscribe to SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN for more great articles)

Written By Christophe André on January 15, 2019

Meet Our Myofascial Specialist: Lloyd Chung

Lloyd Chung, RMT, is a 16 year specialist of myofascial release and cranial sacral Massage Therapy, recently adding Manual Osteopathy to his growing repertoire. He graduated from the Grant MacEwan College Massage Therapy program in June 2002 and became a member of the MTAA in 2003. Recently, Lloyd took a course at the National Manual Osteopathic College and is finishing his practical hours to become a Manual Osteopath.

Lloyd believes that massage should be seen as a tool that everybody should use to prevent pain and injury and maintain a healthier lifestyle, not just as a quick fix for pain and injuries.  He also believes that a therapeutic or deep tissue massage can be relaxing and doesn’t necessarily need to be painful. Manual Osteopathy will allow Lloyd to continue on his path of gently guiding and correcting the body towards less pain and better health.

Lloyd understands the unique nature of a client’s circumstance and health history. He is adept with adapting treatments to a client’s needs and comfort, working with an intuitive nature, but also applying orthopedic assessments for confirmation. Lloyd takes the time to explain his findings to support clients by helping them understand themselves more.

When Lloyd isn’t working or spending time with his wife, son and daughter, he enjoys playing trombone with the Festival City Winds or relaxing with a good book.

Lloyd is providing Manual Osteopathic Massage Therapy appointments as he completes the last of his qualification’s practical hours. These appointments are billed as Massage Therapy, and offer Manual Osteopathic theory and techniques at a discounted rate!

Sprained Ankle from a Slip? Here's How To Wrap It


The way you wrap a sprained ankle is really important. We found some general how-to website to be missing a few key points: make sure the ankle and foot are in a neutral position for wrapping (90°). Start the wrap process with the bandage tape or stretchy tensor bandage over the upper ankle first and direct the roll toward the inside of the upper ankle, wrap this area a couple of times - this is your anchor. Then proceed to wrap in a figure 8 motion starting toward the inner foot first. We found a great picture-guide that demonstrates this method well, link below.

Be sure to rest, elevate and ice the sprained ankle to reduce further aggravation. You’ll want to check if you ankle has a fracture, too. You can do this on your own, but we recommend seeing a healthcare professional, like a GP.

Inflammation will commence almost immediately, most certainly in a few hours, sometimes accompanied by bruising. You may receive treatments like massage therapy or manual osteopathy to assist in reducing inflammation and reduce strain on other muscles groups in the lower leg and all the way up the limb to the hip. You may seek treatment as early as a few days after the initial injury. We recommend seeing our specialists:

  • Lloyd Chung

  • Brad Ballard

  • Tristen Threefingers

  • Rowana Quirante

Sprained ankles can take anywhere from a week to a month or more to heal, depending in the severity. Be sure to to seek the diagnosis from your medical doctor and a phsyiotherapist as part of your treatment plan.