Yoga as Therapy for Individual Care
/YOGA THERAPY uses the tools of yoga to achieve specific outcomes according to the needs of the individual. It is fast becoming an accepted health modality in Canada, offering all people, including those experiencing a wide range of ailments or disabilities, guidance and personal tools that they can use to enhance their life.
At Reset Wellness on Whyte we cater to your needs with two specialties within Yoga Therapy, emotional and physical support, and Private Hatha Yoga.
“Being authentic means taking the elevator down inside ourselves and noticing whatever we happen to be experiencing right now. It may change from moment to moment.”
PHOENIX RISING YOGA THERAPY invites people into a safe, predictable and non-judgmental space to help find peace in the present moment. People will develop an awareness of, and begin to experience their bodies in new ways so that they can gain acceptance and a more compassionate relationship with their bodies. This then enables them to befriend, reclaim and feel safe in their bodies so that they can explore the interaction between their mind and their body.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy invites people into a safe, predictable and non-judgmental space to help find peace in the present moment. People will develop an awareness of, and begin to experience their bodies in new ways so that they can gain acceptance and a more compassionate relationship with their bodies. This then enables them to befriend, reclaim and feel safe in their bodies so that they can explore the interaction between their mind and their body.
The effects of trauma whether from childhood abuse and/or, neglect, ignorance, assault, disaster, accident, injury, disease, illness or disability causes feelings of shock, pain, sadness and guilt. This then becomes locked in the body, causing unresolved stress and trauma with survivors becoming disconnected from, and untrusting of their bodies.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy helps to unlock pain in a sensitive, supportive way, using especially chosen physical postures, breathing techniques and Yoga Psychology. It helps identify triggers, and face, accept and bear the effects of the trauma. It aids in increasing mental clarity, concentration and steadier emotions. It is not contorting the body into unattainable positions and people will work at their own capacity. Compassionately guided by Shari Arial, Edmonton's only Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist.
Shari Arial, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist
“Focus on keeping your spine straight. It is the job of the spine to keep the brain alert. ”
STRUCTURAL YOGA THERAPY invites people with alignment, functional or structural health issues to safely be supported through holistic, individualized treatment plans, helping people build confidence, balance, coordination, improved techniques, greater range of movement and strength. People will develop the awareness of physical imbalance at its true point, often away from the site of pain, and be taught how to move their body according to its needs. This enables a sense of ability and accomplishment in the individual, helping people feel their health is 'in their hands'.
Injury, poor posture, weight issues, or disabilities have lingering effects on the whole body, affecting the integrity and strength of more than just the site of the issue, sometimes silently. Unresolved physical stress compounds locally, but also extends as a chain-reaction to surrounding tissues, organs, and systems. For those with acute or chronic pain, the chain-reaction is often predictable, a pattern of physical stress that can be turned around.
Structural Yoga Therapy helps move you in to better health and well-being in an attentive, supportive way, using specialized treatment plans to achieve your personal health goals overtime and within your limits. It helps foster a sense of connection and acceptance of your body, while teaching about the strategies and power in ourselves, to be the force behind our own health. Shari Arial can help you reach your goals of physical discipline, relaxation or transformation with a structural approach to Yoga Therapy.
“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what can not be cured”
PRIVATE HATHA YOGA invites people in to a safe, private environment to learn and practice yoga for their own personal sense of relaxation and achievement. Under the full, gentle attention of April Kosinski - Yin, Yang, Hatha and Myofascial Yoga Instructor - sessions are designed to gradually improve yoga skills, postures and techniques - according to your goals - helping build confidence within a practice. One on one sessions are 75 mins in a comfortable, quiet space, no other students around for the ultimate, tailored experience with yoga.
"Feeling sad? Sit in Lotus. Better yet, rise up into a backbend or soar royally into King Dancer Pose. While it’s not as simple as that, one study found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to a significant increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in the levels of monoamine oxidase (an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters) and cortisol. At the University of Wisconsin, Richard Davidson, Ph.D., found that the left prefrontal cortex showed heightened activity in meditators, a finding that has been correlated with greater levels of happiness and better immune function. More dramatic left-sided activation was found in dedicated, long-term practitioners." -Timothy McCall, M.D.
April Kosinski, Yoga Instructor